Blind Date With A Book

Don't judge a book by its cover, Looking for a book that will surprise and delight you? Try out Blind Date With A Book! Simply select your genre and receive a new or slightly pre-loved book.

All books are rated 3.5 stars and above. This is for ONE book that comes carefully wrapped and includes a bookmark and sticker pack. Who knows, you might just fall in love!



Select A Genre

Simply select your genre of books!

We have a variety of paperback and hardcover books that come new or slightly pre-loved but in good condition.

Description, Rating &


All the books are carefully wrapped in brown paper with a pocket to hold your bookmark.

We then write the top categorys for the book as well as its goodreads star rating.

The book is then finished off by wrapping it in a cute jute cord bow!


Whats Included

With the purchase of a book you will receive

  • A Bookmark
  • Sticker Pack

All books are in good condition, they may have very minor marks like dots on the underside.